Program Services
Catholic Charities Bakhita Empowerment Program provides assistance to the needs of victims of all types of trafficking within Palm Beach County. This assistance includes intensive case management, emotional support, safety planning, and advocacy. The Catholic Charities case manager coordinates referrals for housing, legal services, medical services, repatriation, reunification, counseling services, education and employment services, translation services, substance abuse services, dental services and branding (tattoo) removal. Victims are provided with basic needs and financial assistance to help them create a life away from their trafficker. Case managers also provide transportation to appointments and assist with replacing documentation often lost/stolen while they were trafficked.
The following services are available through the program:
- Crisis Intervention
- Intensive Case Management
- Safety Planning
- Housing
- Emotional Support
- Legal Advocacy
- Provision of food, clothing, cell phones, and gift cards
- Cash Assistance
- Life Skills
- Transportation Assistance
- Translation/Interpretation Services
- Coordination of referrals for housing, legal, medical, substance abuse, mental health, academic, employment, dental, and tattoo removal services.
Catholic Charities participates in the Palm Beach County Human Trafficking Task Force which is co-led by Palm Beach Victims Services and the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office to enhance collaboration of service providers, law enforcement, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Ways you can help a human trafficking survivor: