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Operation Love Your Neighbor As Yourself - First Methodist Church

Our Samaritan Center transitional housing program, helping homeless families in Indian River County, is feeling blessed by the First Methodist Church's  community ministry program called: "Operation Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Matthew 22:39.   As a church family their purpose is "to know Christ and to make Him known".  Their website says, Our Lord has called us to be His hands, His feet and His heart in loving service to members of our community, especially those who are the most vulnerable.  We bear witness to the gospel message clearly and effectually when we are living demonstrations of the Spirit of Christ, manifesting His presence to our community through loving service to others.  

 The group completed a service project that involved cleaning, organizing our children’s bike shed and sprucing up the landscaping around our residential facility. Katy Ryan, Samaritan Center Administrative Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator stated "10 eager volunteers spread 200 bags of mulch on the playground and in front of the residential building." The bags of mulch were generously donated by Aiello Landscape of Vero Beach.  If you're looking for a new landscaper, we highly recommend them!

The Samaritan Center provides transitional housing and guidance to homeless families in Indian River County and prepares them to live independently. The average length of stay is 6-9 months. During their stay, the Samaritan Center partners with resident families to provide a nurturing environment, safe housing, case management, support/educational services, and connection to community resources.  

